Double-strung harp sheet music

I sell double-strung arrangements of individual songs from Celtic to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’.’” See my double-strung harp sheet music.

Laurie Riley➚ is a pioneer in the world of therapeutic harp as well as double-strung, with beginning and advanced books on playing the 2x➚. She has a good article all about double-strung➚ on Harp Spectrum.

Carolyn Deal➚ has multiple PDF books of music and strategies for learning the 2x➚. She provides dozens of free, double-strung harp tutorials on YouTube. Get monthly sheet music and exclusive teaching videos when you subscribe to Carolyn Deal’s Patreon➚.

Anne Crosby Gaudet➚ arranges double-strung tunes. She demonstrates each one in a video, which previews some of the scores, so you can see how well they’re notated.

Stefanie Bieber➚ has several double-strung pieces: look for those labeled “for double-strung harp.” (YouTube has an Auto-translate option to read captions in English.) Support Stefanie on Ko-fi➚.

Verlene Schermer’s double-strung book is Wishing You Well➚.

Tracie Lin➚ creates rich double-strung arrangements of popular tunes on SheetMusicPlus.

Mark Foster➚ writes sweet double-strung arrangements on SheetMusicPlus.

Nina van Meijeren➚ has this double-strung arrangement.

Laurie Peterson➚ has double-strung arrangements on SheetMusicPlus. Look in the descriptions for which are for double versus single-course harp.

If I missed a double-strung harp score or composer, or if anything else should be updated, please email me.

If this list makes your mouth water, and you don’t even own a double-strung harp yet, look at the harps by all the double-strung luthiers. Or, browse for even more music and supplies from various harp stores.